Temporary Nature


Groningen Seaports

Different measures has been taken in the past to exclude the colonisation of protected species in the fallow areas of the ports. The Dutch species protection law “flora- en faunawet” could give project risks by different compensation measures and a delay through the procedures.

By the measures that has been taken the settlement of protected species was almost
excluded through the period of decades. A new exemption of “tijdelijke natuur” temporary nature gives the permit to leave the fallow areas as it is and let it been grown by nature. And after a period take, without any compensation measures, all the settled nature away. Especially the pioneers would benefit from this exemption. In the port of Delfzijl 200 hectares has been signed as temporary nature.

Groningen seaports has signed a grean deal with the national government to promote the Temporary nature exemption and to solve some struggles such as the combination between this “flora- faunawet” tool and the European biodiversity directives (habitat and birds directives).

Environmental Aspects Involved

  • More ecological value, biodiversity, more protected species
  • Less maintance => less Co2 emissions

Stakeholders Involved

  • Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation
  • Companies in the port