Port Energy Management Dashboard
Niedersachsen Ports
Today ports are confronted with many different challenges. In addition to the rise in energy costs and increased competitive pressure, this also includes the social expectation of greater involvement in environmental protection. Furthermore, Germany’s climate policy includes the generation of energy from renewable resources and the use of flexibility and savings potential in industry, commerce and the private sector. For ports this can mean that – where possible – they save energy and actively participate in the balancing energy market. This can be done, among other things, by optimizing energy loads and providing flexibility.
As an intelligent software solution, dashPORT visualises energy consumers and energy consumption in the port, derives measures from this and allows unusually high consumption to be recognised and avoided where possible. In addition, consumption predictions are created based on the analysis and processing of internal and external data, so that targeted measures can be derived and controlled. This should make it possible to reduce energy costs and CO2 emissions in the ports.