Nature Development Oostoever


South of Den Helder and adjacent to the Wadden Sea, there is a dredge disposal location which is called VOF ‘t Oost II. In this area, the business VOF ‘t Oost processed polluted dredge material and transformed it into usable material. Due to the declining of dredging activities, 6 ha of the disposal location were not needed anymore. These six hectare are currently under development to become a restored natural area. The Port of Den Helder is the owner of the land. The nature organisation Landschap Noord Holland will manage the area.

The total size of the nature area will be 6 ha, in the area a bird breeding island is developed with a total size of 2 ha and a height of 5 meter. The island will be made with steep concrete walls, made from environmental concrete – concrete where pollution is locked within. It will be filled with approximately 90.000 m3 reuse soil from the disposal location – this is cleaned soil, useable for other purposes. Both materials have been processed by VOF ‘t Oost. Moreover, the use of these materials is approved according to the Dutch law Besluit Bodemkwaliteit. By using dredging materials we avoid the extraction and transport of other soil from other places to build the breeding island. This island will contribute to the living environment of Wadden Sea birds. It is expected that by making it 5 meter high, and an island, the birds will be protected from predators such as foxes and rats. The aim is to finish the project summer 2015.

This is a joint project in which the Port of Den Helder has cooperated with environmental organizations and other stakeholders to enable a sustainable management of polluted soil and to, at the same time, restore and develop natural areas.

Environmental Aspects involved

Nature development, dredging – disposal, changes in land habitat

Stakeholders involved

VOF ‘t Oost, Landschap Noord Holland, Municipality Den Helder, Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier, Province Noord Holland, Port of Den Helder