Hydrogen Pilot

  1. Project description

The realization of a hydrogen filling station in the port for shipping and road transport.
A solar park will be generated green energy.
The green hydrogen is produced, stored and made available on site by electrolysis.
As part of the project a hydrogen vessel will be developed, which will be offered to a pool of potential users.
The uniqueness of the project is that this project encompasses the entire chain.

The project can play an important role for zero-emission shipping in the Wadden Sea.

2. Environmental Aspects involved

  • Air pollution

In addition, there is interest from Alliander (network manager electricity) to investigate the possibilities for net balancing. The conversion of the overcapacity of electricity into hydrogen is being investigated.
This could prevent an overload of the electricity network.

1.       Stakeholders involved

·          Port of Den Helder

·          Damen

·          Engie

·          PitPoint

·          Alliander


2.       Contact for information

Contact name:                  Kees Turnhout

Job title/position:            Head of I&R, deputy director

Postal address:                Het Nieuwe Diep 33-3, 1781 AD Den Helder

Telephone:                        (0223) 618481/06-109 684 36

E-mail:                                 kturnhout@podh.eu

Website:                             www.portofdenhelder.eu