Offshore wind Eemshaven
Environmental aspects:
Relevance to the 5 Es framework of the ESPO Green Guide:
Title best practice: Offshore windfarms Eemshaven
Description: Around a third of all the energy that is produced in the Netherlands comes from Eemshaven. With an installed capacity of 8,000 MW Eemshaven is an energy port of note. Eemshaven houses the largest onshore wind park in the Netherlands. The port also plays a prominent role in the development of wind parks at sea during their construction and the subsequent maintenance of the wind turbines. Eemshaven lives and breathes offshore wind. The port has become a base, marshalling and service port for offshore windfarms especially in the German neighbouring part of the North Sea. Eemshaven is geographically well-situated for the offshore wind activities in the North Sea. Moreover, Eemshaven meets all maritime requirements and has the facilities regarding the assembly and shipping of wind turbines.
Since 2009 Eemshaven plays an important role regarding assembly and shipping activities of wind turbines, which results in an impressive track record of wind farms launched from Eemshaven. At the moment the Trianel Windpark Borkum II wind farm is launched from Eemshaven. Planning, transport, storage and pre-assembly of the wind turbine components is taking place now, which means that the entire above-water part of the wind turbines is supplied from Eemshaven. After that, mid 2020, Hornsea Two (UK; 165 wind turbines) will follow. In the near future many offshore wind projects (e.g. NortH2, which also stimulates green hydrogen production) in which Eemshaven could fit as base or service port are planned.
The profile of Eemshaven answers to be a service port for activities regarding the operations and maintenance (O&M) of offshore wind turbines. The presence of a heliport (2019) makes Eemshaven an even more attractive option. The owners of the large modern wind farms use both ships and helicopters for the necessary service and maintenance. Next to a base and service port, the current companies within the offshore wind sector in Eemshaven create a suitable and productive settlement environment for innovative start-ups and scale-ups which participate in the MOI community. With the goal to further boost and develop this sector and region, in terms of (economic) opportunities, sustainability and collaboration. For more information, see links below.